We bring students full circle to discover their true potential.

90 degrees

The foundation of the program is built on structure, order, and routine. Many barriers for students are removed just through these foundational components. Students with behavioral and emotional deficiencies need order and structure to thrive.

180-270 degrees

The program continues to build with scaffolded support in place for students to build confidence, as they work towards independence. Intervention is scheduled daily for students and designed to support growth and stamina. Application is crucial during this phase.

360 degrees

Students begin to take critical next steps in their journey. Students are becoming independent and aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Students put effort into becoming a more positive student, peer, and member of the community.


We believe that all students have barriers and it is our job to provide them with suitable options to access meaningful learning. Our students have social-emotional deficiencies and behavior needs, due to a variety of different reasons, including trauma. Students are successful at Meridian Academy when they build rapport with their teachers and peers, and are given voice and choice in their education. Students have more meaningful educational experiences when they know their teachers and support staff are helping them to break through their barriers. At Meridian, equitable access is an opportunity our students receive and their opportunity is a privilege. We communicate this very important message to our students regularly. Our staff empower students to succeed by providing specialized services not typically available in their public school. We believe students learn best when the school and parents form a strong partnership. Our parents play such a vital role in their child's education and their concerns, and ideas ought to be heard and valued. This is what brings them to Meridian. Our students are on a journey of learning and emotional self-discovery at all times and they need our structure and their family’s support. Meridian Academy is where each child can take a 360 degree journey to reach their true potential.